1,536 research outputs found

    En torno al proceso de caracterización barroca del retablo toledano del siglo XVII

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    With this work is to put the time in which the toledan altarpiece of mediated of the XVIIth century adopts the typological features and formal of the baroque altarpiece of Madrid, a change than customs the architect Juan Gómez Lobo constituting a well-defined art of which is exponent the altarpiece of Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza in the church of San Lucas, an example the baroque standardization of the altarpiece in Toledo in the sixties.Con este trabajo se trata de situar el momento en el que el retablo toledano de mediados del siglo XVII adopta las características tipológicas y formales del retablo barroco madrileño, cambio que personaliza el arquitecto Juan Gómez Lobo constituyendo un arte bien definido del que es exponente el retablo de Ntra. Sra. de la Esperanza de la iglesia de San Lucas, ejemplo de la normalización barroca del retablo en Toledo en la década de los sesenta

    The supply of transports in the european atlantic arc: a strength of infrastructures transeuropeas for the development of the regional economies.

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    Transport and communication infrastructures constitute one of the mainstays of regional development. The practice of this service attributed to transport and communication networks results in the genesis of a free flux of goods, capital, work and information throughout those regions which are enjoying the best territorial structuring. This way, investment in connectivity tends to encourage the creation of territorial access patterns which give rise, in their turn, to comparative advantages with regard to tertiary regional economies. This investment effort operates within the regional economies as a sort of drive motor. Firstly, it triggers the arrival of foreign capital, considered in terms of Direct Foreign Inversion (DFI). Secondly, the modernization of the transport network tends to have an effect on the industrial re-localization processes as well as on the steadily increasing diversification of the regional productive system. And thirdly, fixed social capital investment in transport tends to boost the action of two factors which are of the utmost importance. On the one hand, we can appreciate the increase of equal opportunity as well as of public property (general interest). On the other, we can see the territorial expansion of inter-territorial solidarity. This all would have a direct effect on regional economies, which would ultimately meet a steadily increase in social an economical cohesion rates. Keywords: Crowding-in, crowding-out, trade-off, fixed social capital, territorial connectivity, territorial accessibility, hinterland, public capital stock, inter-modality, modal chain, multimodality, operativity, Trans-European Transport Network (TEN), spillover effects, potential mobility demand.

    NO3- selective mini-electrodes as a tool to investigate the NO3- traffic in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii D.

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    Ion selective NO3- mini-electrodes were used to measure the external NO3- concentration in C. reinhardtii liquid cultures. Electrodes were prepared using glass capillaries (1.5 mm external diameter). Capillaries were cut in 10 cm long pieces, dehydrated for 45 minutes in an oven and silanized by addition of dimethyldichlorosilane in bencene 0.1% (V/V). Once silanized, the capillaries were baked again for 30 minutes. Once cold the capillaries were backfilled with the NO3- ionophore (Fluka: 72549), which contains PVC (5.75% w/w) dissolved in tetrahydrofurane. Then, the NO3- mini-electrodes were stored in dark in a desiccator until tetrahydrofurane gets evaporated. Before use, NO3- selective mini-electrodes were backfilled with 0.1 M NaNO3 and 0.1 M KCl and connected to a high-impedance differential amplifier (WPI FD223). Mini-electrodes were calibrated in N-free Beijerinck medium, which contains 0.1 mM Cl-. In those conditions, electrodes calibration slope was 54 mV/p NO3- in the range 1 - 1000 µM NO3-. The mini-electrodes were used to continuous monitoring of the external NO3- concentration in liquid culture of different C. reinhardtii strains, incubated in N-free Beijerinck medium supplemented with 100 µM NO3Na. Previous to the assays, strains were N starved for 6 days. In the light, wild type strain uptakes NO3- at a rate of 15 nmol NO3-·106 cells-1·h-1, in the dark this rate was one third of this figure. After 5 h, the external NO3- levelled off at 10 µM in the light and around 30 µM in the dark. C. reinhardtii cells cultured in the presence of 2 mM NO3NH4 do not show significant NO3- uptake nor a mutant strain, defective in nitrate transport and having an active nitrate reductase. However, a mutant strain lacking the nitrate reductase shows an enhanced NO3- uptake rate, compared with the value obtained for the wild type in the light.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Preliminary results of a catastrophic model of extreme wind gust situations in peninsular Spain

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    Póster presentado en: 10th EUMETNET Data Management Workshop celebrado en St. Gallen, Suiza, del 28 al 30 de octubre de 2015.The CCS (Spanish Insurance Compensation Consortium) is the Spanish Agency that provides insurance coverage against weather events that involve an extraordinary risk. One of the extraordinary risks covered by the CCS refers to extraordinary wind, defined as those with wind gusts exceeding 120 km/h. The accurate delimitation of the areas in which this condition is met shows considerable difficulties in our country because of the lack of wind observations and the complexity of the terrain. The operational procedure performed at AEMET (Spanish Meteorological Agency) for estimating the areas with maximum wind gusts applies a geostatistical technique, the universal kriging, based on the observational data of maximum wind gust and drawing also on external variables: terrain elevation, distance from the shore, and the HIRLAM (High Resolution Limited Area Model) forecasting model output of maximum wind gust field. Extreme meteorological events sometimes go unnoticed but frequently become apparent due their impact on society with its corresponding consequences. Moreover, the catastrophic nature of a phenomenon depends not only on the extreme value that the climate element takes on, but also on other factors, such as population distribution or geomorphological features, among many others. In this work we present some preliminary steps in the development of a catastrophic model of extreme wind gust situations in peninsular Spain. The main aim of this model is to provide significant information for covering risk against future extreme wind situations, as well as assessing the liability owing to this risk on a year time-frame. The first steps in the development of this model are: a) the generation of climatology of the areas under extraordinary wind going back to 2010 and, b) the estimation of incurred covered loss in these years based on data from the insurer. The following step will be the estimation of a local (at municipality level at best) expected loss function from extraordinary winds depending on the intensity of the event.This project is being sponsored by CCS

    Estudio hemodinámico de diferentes técnicas de tratamiento de bifurcaciones coronarias: modelo experimental y matemático

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid,Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Medicina. Fecha de lectura: 12-01-201

    Regional development policy in Galicia: the crossroads of territorial development

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    La política de desarrollo regional constituye una de las principales herramientas con las que cuenta la Administración pública para impulsar un modelo de desarrollo económico regional descentralizado en razón a las potencialidades endógenas de las diferentes regiones. Por tanto, la concreción de un modelo de política indicativa destinada a ser implementada en los territorios regionales españoles, como es el caso de Galicia, pretende ejercer de motor de arrastre para incentivar el desarrollo económico del territorio en base a sus potencialidades internas. Galicia, durante mucho tiempo de su historia, ha estado padeciendo el enclavamiento territorial.The regional development policy is one of the main tools available to the Public Administration to promote a decentralized regional economic development model due to the endogenous potentialities of the different regions. Therefore, the concretion of an indicative policy model destined to be implemented in the Spanish regional territories, as is the case of Galicia, intends to act as a driving force to encourage the economic development of the territory based on its internal potentialities. Galicia, for a long time in its history, has been suffering from territorial interlocking.Agencia estatal de Investigación | Ref. PID2021-127140NB-I0

    Transport infrastructure policy in Galicia: the investor experience 40 years after its Autonomy Statute

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    La política de infraestructuras del transporte en Galicia ha experimentado un importante avance gracias al desarrollo de la legislación básica y a la transferencia de competencias a las CC.AA. La aprobación de la Constitución Española de 1978 posibilitó la Organización Territorial del Estado, en base a lo establecido en el Título VIII de nuestra Norma Normarum: se disponían las competencias exclusivas de la Administración Central, al igual que las competencias a transferir a los futuros órganos territoriales de las CC.AA. En esta línea la aprobación del Estatuto de Autonomía de Galicia abría “una puerta” al ordenamiento de la política de infraestructuras en Galicia, en razón a la asunción de competencias exclusivas sobre las infraestructuras del transporte que contribuyesen a desarrollar el intrarregionalmente el territorio gallego. El ordenamiento de la política de infraestructuras del transporte y las comunicaciones experimentó un importante avance una vez que se produjo la promulgación del Decreto de Transferencias 156/1982. En el mismo, se hacía efectivo el traspaso competencial de numerosas infraestructuras del transporte. La andadura de la política de la a Autónoma de Galicia dio lugar a que se sentasen las bases de la ordenación y articulación del territorio. No obstante, las propuestas de planificación en Galicia han dado lugar a muchos puntos de sombras, los cuales supusieron un proceso de ralentización al desarrollo infraestructural en el territorio regional.The transport infrastructure policy in Galicia has undergone significant progress thanks to the development of basic legislation and the transfer of powers to the Autonomous Com-munities. The approval of the Spanish Cons-titution of 1978 made possible the Territorial Organization of the State, based on the esta-blished in Title VIII of our Normarum Standard: the exclusive powers of the Central Adminis-tration were provided, as well as the powers to be transferred to the future territorial bodies of the Autonomous Communities. In this line, the approval of the Statute of Autonomy of Galicia opened “A door” to the ordering of the infrastructure policy in Galicia, due to the as-sumption of exclusive powers over transport infrastructures that contribute to the intra-regional development of the Galician territory. The regulation of the transport and communi-cations infrastructure policy experienced an important advance once the Transfers Decree 156/1982 was enacted. In it, the transfer of competence of numerous transport infras-tructures was made effective. The progress of the policy of the Autonomous Region of Galicia gave rise to the laying of the founda-tions for the organization and articulation of the territory. However, the planning propo-sals in Galicia have given rise to many shadow points, which led to a process of slowing down infrastructural development in the regional territory